Barred Owl | Strix varia
In 2001, Coosa came to AWC as a nestling – making him our oldest education bird! He was discovered on the ground with a large abdominal wound – likely from a predator attack. This wound left Coosa with extensive damage to his right leg muscle, deeming him as non-releasable.

Red-Tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis
Goldie came to the AWC as a first year bird after a vehicle accidentally hit her in 2015. The vehicle collision left her with permanent vision loss in her right eye, deeming her as non-releasable.

Eurasian Eagle Owl | Bubo bubo
In 2016, Atlas arrived at the AWC after being confiscated from a man in Wyoming who had purchased him through the exotic pet trade. Due to him being raised around a human at such a young age, he has imprinted on humans and cannot survive in the wild.

Red-Shouldered Hawk | Buteo lineatus
Rocket came to the AWC in 2018 as a first-year bird. After flying into a window, Rocket was left with permanent vision damage, making him unfit to be released into the wild again.

Bald Eagle | Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Shelby was hit by a car in Washington and was transferred to Rowena Wildlife Center in The Dalles, Oregon. The vehicle collision had caused permanent blindness in her left eye. Shelby was then transferred to AWC in 2018.

Great Horned Owl | Bubo virginianus
DJ came to us in 2020 as a nestling with a head tilt, indicative of head trauma that was likely caused by falling out of a tree. While some birds can ‘grow out’ of their head tilt, DJ never did, leaving him non-releasable.

Eastern Screech Owl | Megascops asio
Lola came to us in 2021 after being hit by a vehicle. The collision caused a break in her right wing that hinders her flight capability. Because of this, she was deemed as non-releasable.

Red-Tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis
Betty White came to AWC in December 2021. She suffered from a severe humeral fracture to the right wing and an upper respiratory infection due to aspergillosis (a fungal infection). Although her wing healed, the aspergillosis caused significant lung scarring, resulting in shortness of breath from short flight distances. She has been deemed as non-releasable.

Mississippi Kite | Ictinia mississippiensis
Monty came to AWC the spring of 2022. He was found on the ground in Montevallo. Unfortunately, he suffered from soft tissue damage which led to permanent scarring on his right wing that prevents full wing expansion. Due to this, he was deemed as non-releasable.

Black Vulture | Coragyps atratus
Noir, a 2-year-old Black Vulture, joined us from the Raptor Rehab of Kentucky. He was taken from his nest as a baby and had been raised by humans. This caused Noir to become imprinted on humans – making him non-releasable.
Coragyps atratus

Stan was brought to AWC in February 2014 from Montevallo after being attacked by a pack of dogs on the side of the road. An x-ray revealed birdshot, a type of shotgun ammo, in his wing that caused a break in his elbow. He was also very thin on admission. This suggested that the gunshot wound happened sometime prior and he was probably scavenging on the side of the road. It’s estimated that he hatched in the Spring of 2013.

Ollie was hit by a car near Cottondale in May of 1993. Although not badly injured, a complete medical examination revealed that he was blind in one eye, and was also extremely thin. The partial blindness was causing serious problems for him in the wild, and AWC made the decision to offer him a permanent home at Treetop Nature Trail. When he was admitted, Ollie was a young bird and it’s estimated that he hatched in the Spring of 1992.
Tyto alba

Rosie was admitted to AWC in Spring 2014. She came to the center as a nestling along with her 2 siblings. Upon the initial examination, it was discovered that the top half of her beak was malformed. This was causing it to curl to the side. Because beaks grow continuously, her beak would eventually inhibit her ability to eat in the wild. AWC decided she would spend her life here at Treetop Nature Trail!

Casper was admitted to AWC in Fall 2014. He was struck by a car in West Alabama. Though he had no orthopedic problems that were found on x-ray, he was unable to gain height when flying. He is estimated to have been 1-2 years old at the time of his admission.
Cathartes aura

Princess is an albino Turkey Vulture that was first sighted near Piedmont, AL in late March 1994. A volunteer was sent to rescue her, but she had disappeared. She was found later in early June in St. Clair County near Greenport where she was being chased by dogs. She was very thin upon arrival and it was determined that her weakened white feathers made her unable to fly. She was deemed a permanent resident at Treetop Nature Trail.

Logan was found in a pasture in Hayden, AL in January 2013. He was found with minor wounds and an old break in his elbow joint that impaired his ability to scavenge for food. Due to this, he isn’t able to fly well enough to scavenge for food in the wild. He was also deemed a permanent resident at Treetop Nature Trail. Logan was a mature adult at the time of his admittance.
Bubo virginianus

Junior has been with AWC since February 2005. His nest was attacked by predators, which killed several of his siblings, and drove the mother off. Junior had fallen out of the nest, and was brought to AWC. Though Junior has grown to be a beautiful and strong adult, he was never able to successfully capture his own food. Thus, making it safer for him to remain in captivity.

Ginny was admitted to AWC as a youngster in Spring 2015. She was brought in after being kicked around in a schoolyard by children in North Alabama. Unfortunately, she had sustained a break in her shoulder bones causing her wing to droop. This has restricted her ability to fly thereby making her a permanent resident of Treetop Nature Trail.
Strix varia

Leftie was admitted to AWC in October 2013 after being hit by a car. The vehicle collision caused her left eye to be completely destroyed. Due to this damage, she was left with only partial vision in her right eye. The partial vision makes her unsuccessful in capturing food for herself. She is estimated to have been less than 5 years old at the time of her admission.

Lucky came to us in 2019 as a nestling. He suffers from a permanent head tilt from falling out of his nest. Before he was moved to Treetop, he was a foster parent for other baby Barred Owls. Near the end of Fall 2022, he was retired from fostering and moved to his new home here at Treetop Nature Trail.
Buteo jamaicensis

Madison was brought to AWC in January 2007 after being found with almost all of her feathers missing on her right wing. It was revealed that she had extensive damage which refrains from her wings being able to regrow. Due to this, she was deemed non-releasable as she wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild.

Drummond was hit by a car in Fort Payne, AL in August 1995. She had sustained an injury to her wing, including a broken bone and extensive muscle damage. While she has completely healed from her injuries, her wing is not fully functional. Therefore, she is unable to survive in the wild.